Composite Project

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When I started to think about what I wanted to use for this project, I thought about the things in my life that make me happy. The first thing that came to my head was dogs. I have always loved dogs. For a lot of my childhood, my family had a golden retriever named Taylor. I had always had the intention to have a dog when I am eventually living on my own. I used a beagle because I think that they are so cute. Because I didn’t have any pictures of my dogs on my phone, I got a picture from the internet. I also got the picture of the beagle from the internet. I also used a picture of Batman because I have always been a fan of the character both in comics and live action. The picture that I used was from the internet. It is of him from the “Arkham” video game series. To cut out the figure from the picture I used the magnetic lasso tool. It took some time to figure out how it worked since O do not use photoshop that much, but I eventually got the hang of it. Another picture that I used was a picture of when me and my family went to Hawaii. That picture was taken from one of the battleships in Pearl Harbor. Because I had the picture on my phone, I emailed to myself and saved it to my computer. I used a picture of Michael Jordan because he was my idol growing up and is the reason that I became fond of sports. It was mainly his determination that did so. I again used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out the figure from the background. I used a picture of my fraternity's flag. I chose that because since joining, I feel that I have gained so many life skills and friends. I got that image from the internet. To make the dog look like it's running on the flag, I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut the dog from the background and placed it on the top of the flag. 

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